Media Response Desk
Maximise media engagement
Track and manage outbound and inbound communications with the response desk – your solution to building valuable media relations.
The response desk is a media relationship management platform, providing tools that drive team efficiency and effectiveness. Respond quickly to media enquiries using stored statements, and optimise press release sell-ins based on in-depth knowledge of past journalist interaction.
Store responses, coverage and interactions with the media in the media response desk, saving you time and resource.
Correspond and manage relationships with target journalists and media contacts – all in one place. Easy.
Respond to the media quickly, consistently and with impact.
Improve team efficiency and messaging.
Reduce media response times.
Store journalist interaction in a single place.
View real-time metrics on outbound and inbound media relations activity.

Build and maintain great media relationships
Understand and build your team’s relationships with the journalists and media outlets that are important to your business.
You’ll quickly and easily see the coverage journalists have generated about you, who in your team has spoken to them, and about what, all in one place. Plus, access a timeline capturing all the interactions of your team with each media contact.
Empower your team to respond quickly and efficiently to media enquiries with stored statements to ensure message consistency.
With this 360 degree view of your relationship, you can sustain better media relationships, improving your chances of success.

Evaluate your hard work
Using our platform’s reporting feature, understand where team effort and resources are being used and where improvements can be made.
Assign all your hard work – conversations, press releases, interview bids, generated coverage and more – to specific topics and tags. You can evaluate how successful your approach was for each campaign and identify improvements you can make next time.
Understand the number of press releases and statements that have been sent, how much resource was required to manage a specific campaign, and how many media engagements resulted in press coverage.
All this is evidence demonstrating the efforts of your communications team. And helping you identify where resource can be re-focused to maximise impact.
Let’s connect.
To arrange a demo of our PR & Comms Tools, please complete the form below: