Copyright and Licensing
Protecting your communications
Onclusive is a copyright expert. We work daily with the publishers, or their mandatory, to ensure our copyright compliancy on a national and international scale.
Compliance with copyright law and other intellectual property legislation is of the utmost importance to us. We’ve obtained the rights and authorisations to use, store and make available the media items needed to undertake our Media Monitoring and PR & Comms services.

Specialist departments for legal and copyright
Our legal department specialise in drafting and negotiating copyright agreements with the rights holders in all countries where copyright laws are applicable and clearly defined. We also keep up to date on all legal developments at a national and international level.
We’re the only company in Europe that’s created a dedicated, centralised International Copyright Department. Our expertise and our knowledge of the main stakeholders guarantees maximum legal security to our clients.

Copyright regulation
Copyright regulations differ from country to country and there’s no international organisation that deals with the digital copyright issue on a global scale.
So that we can be copyright compliant in each country that we use data, we work directly with the publishers or with the national RRO (Reproduction Rights Organisation) and national DLO (Database Licensing Organisation) which regroups all the collective societies that work in our industry across Europe, including:
- Centre Français de Droit de Copie (CFC) in France
- Newspaper Licensing agency (NLA) and Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) in the UK
- Newspaper Licensing Ireland (NLI) in Ireland
- Press Monitor Gmbh (PMG) in Germany
- Promopress/ Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali (FIEG) in Italy
- Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDRO) in Spain
- Belga in Belgium
- Artikel Pro in Netherland

Industry leading copyright expertise
To support the interests of the media monitoring market on a global scale, we are members of leading international and national federations:
- AMEC: Association of Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (Inter.)
- FIBEP: Fédération internationale des bureaux d’extraits de presse (Inter.)
- FeVeM: Fédération des Entreprises de Veille média
- AFEC: Spanish media monitoring association
- UK MMA: UK media monitoring association
- IVDM: Germany media monitoring association.

Protecting the interests of clients
Since 2014, we have led the FIBEP Copyright Commission, representing the global media monitoring market.
We’ve supported commercial agreements between rights organisations in several countries, collecting copyright fees on the behalf of organisations for territories they don’t cover.
We were also involved in the European discussions and processes regarding the neighbouring right. Onclusive met all the stakeholders from the European Commission, European Parliament and national representations to support a fair copyright remuneration and to ensure a fair market. Since the Directive has been implemented, we work at a national level across Europe with the same principles.
In all the countries where we operate, we stay up-to-date of all legal developments regarding our activities to protect the interests of our activities and our clients.

Let’s connect
If you’d like to learn more or if you have any questions about Copyright and Licensing, please complete the form below.