Media Contacts Database & Outreach
Get your story to the people who matter
Maximise the chances of landing your key messages by finding, building and maintaining relationships with the most relevant journalists and media contacts using Onclusive’s media database and outreach tools.
Not only can you access Onclusive’s highly accurate, tailored and human-verified media contact database, you also benefit from smart tools. They allow you to build engaging, media-rich communications and match coverage to your press activity – all within the same platform.
Our media contacts database is grown and maintained around the journalists we know are important to you. Using innovative technology, we ensure that the media contacts of interest to your organisation and industry are prioritised as we expand our database, using in-house researchers to continuously verify and review the journalist data. This results in a constantly updated and highly relevant media contacts database.
Find and engage with the right journalists and media publications using easy search and filtering functionality, and build smart media lists that auto-update daily with relevant journalists.
Then use our distribution tools to create and send high-impact, media-rich email communications to relevant journalists from your media contact list.
Resulting coverage can be automatically linked to your outreach activity allowing you to track and report on the performance of your team’s press and media relations work with ease.
Human-verified journalist contacts database.
Auto-updating media contact lists to save you time.
Media-rich communications creation and outreach tool.
Communications scheduling settings – including sending under embargo.
Coverage automatically linked to your press outreach activity.

Find relevant media contacts
Our team of researchers work around the clock to find, add and verify media contacts, continuously adding to our growing media contact database.
Through the media contacts database you have the most recent information at your disposal for your PR communications. You can filter and search to find journalists by geographical area, publication, subject and past topics. Plus drill down to region, county, state and even city level.
The result is high quality media contacts to support high quality media outreach.

Create auto-updating media lists
Create media contact lists with the click of a button and communicate directly with journalists – all within a single media contacts, distribution and relationship management platform.
Save hours of time by setting up your media contact lists as smart groups. The smart groups refresh on a daily basis, ensuring that the most relevant journalists based on your search criteria are always included.
There’s no more updating your media contact information, manually adding new contacts or building media lists from scratch again. It’s all done for you when you open the media contact list.
You can also import your existing media contact database and use it seamlessly with our pitch management features to communicate with journalists that you already have a relationship with.

Build media rich communications
Craft high-impact communications, adding downloadable images, shareable videos, sound files and attachments with ease. Your media-rich files are hosted in our platform meaning the size of your file isn’t an issue. Plus journalists can select and download the files that are of most interest to them with ease.
Simply copy and paste your communication into the platform. All formatting – including tables, bullet points and links – is recognised.
Build branded communications templates and then personalise and tailor the messaging, either for individual journalists or for the media lists you’ve created in the platform.

Distribute your press release with ease
Send and track your outbound and inbound PR and communications activity in a single place.
Our easy-to-use media distribution tool allows for email scheduling and embargo setting, saving you time and resource, and giving you peace of mind.
Have a last minute amend to make? No problem. Easily edit your press release at any time.
And for even more support managing and sharing your press communications why not build your own customised online newsroom?

Understand how your communications have landed
Once distributed, see who’s engaged with your communication.
The simple dashboard helps you quickly view email opens, bounces and unsubscribes. Everything to build a comprehensive understanding of what communications are landing with your target journalists and media contacts.
See who from your media database has opened your releases, what coverage has been generated from them and share your communications on social media.
Less time wasted, more effective communications.

Benefit from researcher support
Our researchers are available to help you find the right media contacts and journalist information for your topic.
Access a media contact database which is grown and developed around your needs. We prioritise our research to focus on finding and verifying the contacts important for your business and priority topics.
We’ll work alongside you to deliver your goals – it’s all part of your package.
Let’s connect.
To arrange a demo of our PR & Comms Tools, please complete the form below: