Media Sentiment
Metrics to perfect your communications
Understanding how your messages resonate with their intended audience is a key way to optimize your PR and social media strategies.
Our real-time and historical sentiment trends will help you to hone your communications strategy. The result is unmatched visibility, unprecedented insights, and the confidence to make informed decisions using the metrics that matter.
Sentiment can be reported at three levels:
(1) aggregate sentiment for your total media coverage during a specified date-range
(2) the sentiment of a specific article
(3) the sentiment of each person, place, things mentioned in the article.

Automated Artificial Intelligence Insights
Based on advanced learning and natural language processing research, our proprietary Media Sentiment analysis model uses artificial intelligence to deliver automated insights around the tone of earned media coverage.

Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Model
If you’re tracking sentiment for earned media across multiple markets, our Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Model in our automated media monitoring and measurement platform supports over 100 languages.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis
Our AI-powered social media sentiment analysis will show your team how your audience feels about your brand, topics and competition.
You can use these insights to increase your social engagement, creating content that powerfully resonates with your brand’s audience.
We’ll even help you to take sentiment a step further. Our volume predictions will notify you when your posts are about to go viral, enabling you to manage and respond when you need to.