Partnerships & Awards
Enhancing our products and services
At Onclusive we pride ourselves on giving PR and Communications professionals best-in-class tools and services for media monitoring, measurement and management.
We seek out awards and accreditations that are recognised for their effectiveness and enable us to benchmark against the wider market. They provide our clients with an independent, objective view of Onclusive and show how we can help them to prove and improve value.
To ensure our clients have the right support, we’re also members of leading federations that recognise and champion their interests on an international scale. We also regularly speak at industry events to share our insight and expertise.

Partnerships that support global media monitoring and measurement
We are members of a number of leading and international federations that support the interests of our clients and our industry.
AMEC: Association of Measurement and Evaluation of Communication
We play a full role as a member of AMEC, and our insights team has a long history of working closely with AMEC. Phil Lynch, Senior Vice President of Head of Insights and Consultancy at Onclusive sits on the AMEC Board.
FIBEP: Fédération internationale des bureaux d’extraits de presse
Since 2014, we have led the FIBEP Copyright Commission, proudly representing the global media monitoring market. Christophe Dickés, Global Media & Copyright Director at Onclusive, sits on the FIBEP board.
We also maintain an international network of copyright suppliers, which you can learn more about here.
We’re also an integral part of a range of international initiatives, for example, we met with stakeholders from the European Commission, European Parliament and national representations to support a fair copyright remuneration and to support a fair market.