A Deep Dive into Our Social Listening Methodology – How Onclusive Analyzes the 2024 US Election




In the dynamic landscape of modern elections, understanding public sentiment is a key factor in shaping political narratives. In our quest to unravel the intricate web of the 2024 US Election, we conducted a comprehensive Media Impact Analysis of digital, broadcast media and social media. This blog post provides an in-depth exploration of our social listening insights, focusing on the methodology and key segments. As well as the nuanced analysis of public discourse surrounding the US Elections, presidential candidates, and critical issues.


Our Social Listening Methodology:

Our approach to social listening is grounded in precision, employing Boolean queries to sift through the vast expanse of social media conversations. Boolean queries allow us to craft intricate search strings, combining keywords and logical operators to extract relevant data. For the US Elections analysis, our queries are tailored to capture discussions related to the election process and overall electoral atmosphere.

The Presidential Candidates segment involves monitoring keywords associated with major contenders from both the Republican and Democrat parties. Boolean logic enables us to filter discussions around each candidate, providing a granular understanding of public sentiments towards individual political figures.


Key Issues Tag-Based Approach:

Unlike the direct Boolean queries employed for the US Elections and Presidential Candidates segments, the key issues aspect took a different approach. Rather than using direct queries, we utilized a tag-based system. Initially, we cast a wide net, examining all conversations related to the US Elections and Presidential Candidates. Once these conversations were aggregated, we then filtered them using Boolean queries specific to key issues such as immigration, energy, and the environment.


Sources Covered:

A robust social listening analysis requires a diverse range of sources to ensure a representative sample of public opinions. Our methodology included monitoring major social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Weibo, Tumblr, and Reddit – as well as forums, blogs, videos, Web, and News. This multi-channel approach allowed us to capture a holistic snapshot of online conversations, avoiding bias associated with platform-specific discussions.


Boolean Queries and Tags in Action:

The effectiveness of our analysis hinged on the meticulous crafting of Boolean queries for the US Elections and Presidential Candidates segments. Logic operators such as AND, OR, NOT, and many nuanced operators, refined our search strings to exclude noise and focus on relevant discussions.

In the Presidential Candidates segment, separate queries were constructed for major figures on both sides of the political spectrum like Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis. Boolean operators facilitated the inclusion or exclusion of specific terms, enabling us to separate conversations about one candidate from another.


In contrast, the key issues segment utilized tags to filter conversations rather than direct Boolean queries. This tag-based approach allows us to examine the broader context of the US Elections and Presidential Candidates discussions before homing in on specific issues.



What Insights did we find through social listening?

The social listening insights unearthed a wealth of information, offering a nuanced understanding of the 2024 US Election landscape. Trends in public sentiment were identified ranging from the general excitement surrounding the electoral process to the polarized opinions on presidential candidates.

The analysis of key issues illuminated the diversity of opinions on immigration, energy, and the environment. This tag-based approach allowed us to discern regional variations. We also identified hotspots of discussion, and areas where sentiments aligned or diverged.


Social Listening Challenges and Considerations

While our social listening analysis yielded valuable insights, it’s crucial to acknowledge the inherent challenges. Boolean queries require continuous refinement to adapt to evolving online language and trends. The dynamic nature of social media conversations demands a flexible approach to ensure the relevance of our queries over time.


In the realm of media impact analysis for the 2024 US Election, our foray into social listening methodology provided a panoramic view of public sentiments. The meticulous use of Boolean queries and the tag-based approach enabled us to navigate the vast sea of online conversations. We were able to unravel trends and nuances that shaped (and are shaping) the narrative surrounding the elections, candidates, and key issues. As we reflect on this journey, it is evident that social listening is a powerful tool in decoding the heartbeat of a nation during elections. It offers valuable insights for policymakers, analysts, and the public alike.