1. Irritation by PR professionals who will argue – to the death – that public relations can’t be automated. They are partially right. They are partially wrong. No one is arguing that robots will ever be able to build relationships, handhold pissy clients, or write compelling pitches. Ok?
2. Confusion from companies and brands implementing public relations as to what we can automate and what we can’t; where the data is useful and where it isn’t…and a whole lot of other points I won’t go into.
Truth be told, PR stands at an interesting, if not extremely pivotal, inflection point.
As defensible as the argument “PR is the last to know and the first to blame” is, we have to let it go and get with the “programmatic approach” if we’re ever going to be taken seriously.
Over the past couple of weeks, AirPR has been at the center of a conversation [I believe] every PR professional, communications strategist, VP of Marketing, and CMO should get into. From the New York Times, to Direct Marketing News, to Entrepreneur – every editor and publisher I have spoken to is adamant about the significant role PR plays in the shifting marketing landscape.
The future of the industry will not tolerate off-beat pitches, poorly written content, fragmented narrative, or outcomes that don’t align with business objectives. And business objectives aren’t just about money; they are about brand awareness, customer loyalty, and amplification too.
If you want to be at the forefront of the conversation (who doesn’t?), take a peek at the articles below.
Our hope is that we can circulate and amplify the importance of PRTech…so that PR will no longer be relegated to accepting the “leftovers” from Advertising budgets.
#1 – VentureBeat article penned by our (#humblebrag) smarty pants lead investor Bryan Stolle, from Mohr Davidow Ventures.
#2 – Mashable write up that hit yesterday which had the Twittersphere all abuzz.
Do you buy it?
But more importantly…are you in?